Sunday, 6 October 2013

Goals- October

Well it's another month, and that means another excuse to "change" myself into another person, or technically, just upholding the morals that I have given myself for the past months or so!

Anyways, this post is pretty much based from a mini church discussion that I had a while ago; promises, and i realize that we, without thinking, make possibly to many promises to ourselves, other people and God.

I mean, really,
"I'm gonna promise myself that i'll do my homework after the next episode of this drama"
"I'm gonna promise myself that i'll go to gym so that i can work off the amount of food im eating"
"I'm gonna promise myself that i'll treat my family and friends right"
"I'm gonna promise myself that i'll read the bible everyday"

These are just some of the daily promises that i make to myself, but really, how often do i uphold them, or on a smaller scale- even attempt these promises. I mean, i see myself deliberately ignoring the daily 8 o'clock reminder for my devotion. I see it, and i put it away; something thats not acceptable for God, and even me now.

So here are some promises that, although i dont want to declare to the world- some of you may be good reminders for me and can possibly help me accomplish these promises.  (thanks in advance gois.)

1.) Read the bible everyday- its one verse, which would probably take me less than a minute, and its at 8 o'clock. Have to get to it again! No excuses!

2.) STUDY EVERYDAY- literally. Going to try and do one paper a day, starting from 10th of October- after my internals are finished. Legit need to get back into the habit, and one paper is the minimum that i'll have to do !

3.) Talk more- something that i've been avoiding for the past... few months. It was a gradual thing, and it's getting to me. I realised that im quite the boring one lately, and wow, i really need to get back to the old and cheerful Kenneth one year ago! So this is more than just talking more, its about being myself again- minus the bad things.

4.) Helping whenever I can- something that i have been doing for the past months- or so i try to think so... (sorry if i havent been helping out some individuals :/ ) This is something that i need to keep up, regardless of this whole "betrayal" thing that happened to me recently- long story short, got owned for trying to help a mate that i thought i trusted. So keeping in mind that as long as i'm doing what i can do to help, it'll be a lesson learnt for both of us.

5.) Being grateful- There's a blog post below that pretty much sums up this one. :D and  it applies especially towards my family. Oh, and if there is anyone that is reading this, please pray for my nana- not exactly in the best condition atm mentally somewhat, and its affecting me; I get angry at her for no reason simply because it hurts me seeing her like this. Praying that i could control my temper towards my family and friends more, and instead of being angry because i deeply care about someone, but rather i should be passive and calm about the whole situation.

So if there's anyone that would be kind enough to give me some reminders every now and then, much appreciated :) other than that, i hope that i could stop procrastinating at this very moment and get to my research- and hopefully achieve these goals by the end of the month- like they say, if you can do something for a month; it becomes a habit, vice verca :)

And i want to leave you with this verse-
"Whoever gives to others will get richer; those who help others will themselves be helped. A good person gives life to others; the wise person teaches others how to live. (Proverbs 11:25, 30 NCV)


So its been a while since i've last posted something, but i wanted to share with you guys a little speech that i had to do for English. :) Some parts of it is almost completely copied and pasted cause it was so well written on this other blog that I read, (sorry dont have the link) but thanks for that :) they are the paragrpahs with an *. 

Please take the time to read this, and hopefully, it can change how you view the world, and possibly changing lives ! :)


SO, I know for a lot of you guys here right now, we’ve really only just met, but I have a serious and personal question to ask you. What is that one thing that you’re truly grateful for?

I mean, when I had to ask myself that question, often what runs through my mind is that I’m truly grateful for all my family and friends that I have around me, simple right? But, in saying that, I know I don’t fully commit myself into cherishing those times with them, neither do I try my best to treat them right, or even show my gratitude to them for all the things that they have done.

You see, we live in a world of expectations and all these rules that just influences the way we think, and how we would act in situations. I mean, look at the media around us right?

Advertisements, music and movies; they all portray the idea of the “love” of our life, and we focus on this too much, where we start thinking too much about treating them right and forget about other stuff that we should be treating right too.  

I’m sure you’ve thought about this, or perhaps know some people that do this, you know, buying the special one cars, giving them hugs and kisses, licking their toes and all that other cute stuff, but what about the friends and family that we have, or more importantly, the smaller things in life that we should also be showing our gratitude towards. Now, I’m not saying that it’s bad to prioritize, or treat someone particularly great, but have we thought of sharing that love, or effort to maybe more than just ONE person?

I mean, I think, that... we take things for granted a little bit too often, you know, that phone that you chucked on the floor last week cause someone didn't text you back fast enough, shouldn't we be treating that phone with a little bit more respect, or with gratitude? I mean, it did cost someone some money right…? or perhaps, maybe that errand that you had to do for your grandparents when they kept on shouting out your name because they couldn't hear you scream back to them… shouldn't we be grateful that they still remember our names?

So instead of us complaining, let’s focus on something more positive.

Let me ask you, have you said thank you to someone to show how grateful you are for them today? Honestly, it’s a small gesture but I promise you, that it can have a huge impact on not only your life, but the life of that person too. How about this, let’s find little ways to incorporate gratitude into our lifes, and I’m sure that we’ll end up being much happier, with the loved ones around us being happier as well.

*It’s the ripple effect from a small smile that will make the world… or let’s think smaller, our community a better place; and with such a small action too! I mean really… saying thank you really isn’t that hard, but the words can lose meaning if they’re just words. We need to say them with sincerity, or show our gratitude through little actions.

*Can you imagine a world where everyone showed gratitude? If someone did you a kindness, you’d give them a warm smile and say thank you. If you were having a bad day, someone else would take time out of their life to comfort you; out of gratitude for a kindness you did them yesterday. Of course people would still get angry, or sad, but we would know how to find ways to be grateful, even in difficult situations.

*I know, I know … what do these people call me… oh yeah, I’m an idealist, and it is quite likely that this world will never exist. But that’s OK. I can accept the world as it is … and at the same time, show my gratitude for what a wonderful world we already have, and what wonderful people (such as you guys) are in my life.

Cheesy? Perhaps. I can be pretty cheesy at times, and I’m not talking about my smile or how I may smell and taste. But let me tell you: incorporating gratitude in my life (even if I’m not always successful at it) has changed me and has made me happier and I recommend this, and I want to remind this, to those who may have been taking a little too many things for granted, as well as for people who may be one of the most grateful ones out of us here today.

I mean, I truly believe that everything that we have in life is given to us as a gift from God, Mother Nature, whatever, but whatever God that we do believe in, we came from the same one, so let’s learn from the basics; treat others how you want to be treated.

So I’ve devised a little bit of a tutorial for us dummies out there. Cause I think often we get the wrong idea about being grateful. I hear a lot of people saying that they are grateful because they have a roof over their heads, or clothes on your back. But being grateful shouldn’t be dependent on the misfortune of others, but really, being grateful is about learning how to truly appreciate the little things in life.

So, first step.

SLIDE: 1.)Attitude, not environment:

So first step, or tip if you would like, is to remember that it’s your attitude that needs changing, not your environment. Personally, I think it’s quite important to actually show your gratitude towards someone. We’ve all heard the saying “actions speak louder than words” and I think to actually show you’re grateful to someone, involves more than just words of appreciation, but time to time, actions to show that you are grateful for them.
Honestly, this is quite easy and I’m sure it’ll make you feel better about making someone else happy right? For instance, making them some food; doesn’t have to be the best tasting, but I’m sure they know how much they mean to you if you go out of your way to cook for them. Or perhaps, a hug, or a friendly prolonged kiss and most people I know LOVE it , and for those who don’t, give them a little pat on the back.

Another way could be to get them gifts, could range from buying a small rock; you know, those expensive little things that women in general seem to like to something that means something special to you guys, or maybe shout them a drink, etc; or, personally my best suggestion, maybe dedicate some quality time with them, or sending them a grateful text message. But remember, this can be anything!

But don’t be fooled by this. I don’t mean be grateful for getting something, but rather be grateful that you have them in the first place.

I mean, I’m sure I won’t be the only one here that hears from others that they are feeling happy for getting something, whether it’s a girlfriend, a car, a job or money etc right? But, I reckon, to be truly grateful, is very closely related to being content, which means changing your attitude towards materialistic things and the environment around you, and instead focusing on the attitude you have within you. And this leads to the next point.

SLIDE: 2.) Don’t compare yourself:
Say for example, you see your friend’s friend giving them presents; their way of being grateful, and your friends just don’t seem to do anything. STILL, be grateful for them, regardless of what they are doing, even if your friends are backstabbing you, literally or not.
And even though you should be grateful of the clothes on your back, and the roof above your head, I think we should know that there is a difference between being grateful of this because you actually are grateful, and being “grateful” because there are some unfortunate people out there that don’t have this.

Like, I think the funny thing is that we only see people at face value. Their personal lives, thoughts, feelings, we know nothing about. The girl with the pretty face? Could be facing eating problems. The guy with those rock hard abs? Suffers from an injured back. That perfect kid getting all the best marks, teacher’s love and classmates’ adoration? Could be suffering from insecurity issues or other problems.

So if you were to compare, compare all of your life, the good, the bad, the ugly, and lets not just put ourselves or others down simply based on what we see with these eyes (point to eyes), and not these eyes (point to heart).

If we see that others may be going through different things, good and bad, then it gets a little easier to be grateful for the life and the struggles you have, because at the end of the day, that’s the only part of us that we can directly change. No one else’s life, but our own.
And lastly,
SLIDE: Appreciating what you have, regardless of the situation:

This is the hard part, in truth. When things go wrong, when we’re not happy, when people are mean to us, when we are worn down by the million slings and arrows of everyday life … we don’t want to say thank you. But in truth, this is the time when it matters most. When life gets you down, when you’re hurt, angry, confused or frustrated, take a moment to stop.
Close your eyes and find things to be thankful for. Your health, your family, your job, the roof over your head, the fact that you’ll have a next meal, the beauty of the world around you, the good people in your life, your new computer. Whatever you can think of, be thankful for them … and express that gratitude somehow.

Realize that all is not bad in this world, and be happy for that. And then, when you’ve mastered that skill, think of the negative things in your life … and give thanks for them. That person who was mean to you? Thank them for teaching you patience and understanding. That dog that tore up your trash? Thank him for teaching you humility as you pick up the trash. The natural disaster you went through? Thank it for reminding you of what is important in life. The illness you are going through? Thank it for making you stronger.

So I want to leave you guys with this. A great man once taught me "Gratitude need not depend on the misfortune of others, the comparison between non-equals; but rather the simple fact that in this moment . My next breath can be my next." - Yours truly, Kenneth(+a great friend of mine; Isaac)  ;)

Thank you.