Sunday 6 October 2013

Goals- October

Well it's another month, and that means another excuse to "change" myself into another person, or technically, just upholding the morals that I have given myself for the past months or so!

Anyways, this post is pretty much based from a mini church discussion that I had a while ago; promises, and i realize that we, without thinking, make possibly to many promises to ourselves, other people and God.

I mean, really,
"I'm gonna promise myself that i'll do my homework after the next episode of this drama"
"I'm gonna promise myself that i'll go to gym so that i can work off the amount of food im eating"
"I'm gonna promise myself that i'll treat my family and friends right"
"I'm gonna promise myself that i'll read the bible everyday"

These are just some of the daily promises that i make to myself, but really, how often do i uphold them, or on a smaller scale- even attempt these promises. I mean, i see myself deliberately ignoring the daily 8 o'clock reminder for my devotion. I see it, and i put it away; something thats not acceptable for God, and even me now.

So here are some promises that, although i dont want to declare to the world- some of you may be good reminders for me and can possibly help me accomplish these promises.  (thanks in advance gois.)

1.) Read the bible everyday- its one verse, which would probably take me less than a minute, and its at 8 o'clock. Have to get to it again! No excuses!

2.) STUDY EVERYDAY- literally. Going to try and do one paper a day, starting from 10th of October- after my internals are finished. Legit need to get back into the habit, and one paper is the minimum that i'll have to do !

3.) Talk more- something that i've been avoiding for the past... few months. It was a gradual thing, and it's getting to me. I realised that im quite the boring one lately, and wow, i really need to get back to the old and cheerful Kenneth one year ago! So this is more than just talking more, its about being myself again- minus the bad things.

4.) Helping whenever I can- something that i have been doing for the past months- or so i try to think so... (sorry if i havent been helping out some individuals :/ ) This is something that i need to keep up, regardless of this whole "betrayal" thing that happened to me recently- long story short, got owned for trying to help a mate that i thought i trusted. So keeping in mind that as long as i'm doing what i can do to help, it'll be a lesson learnt for both of us.

5.) Being grateful- There's a blog post below that pretty much sums up this one. :D and  it applies especially towards my family. Oh, and if there is anyone that is reading this, please pray for my nana- not exactly in the best condition atm mentally somewhat, and its affecting me; I get angry at her for no reason simply because it hurts me seeing her like this. Praying that i could control my temper towards my family and friends more, and instead of being angry because i deeply care about someone, but rather i should be passive and calm about the whole situation.

So if there's anyone that would be kind enough to give me some reminders every now and then, much appreciated :) other than that, i hope that i could stop procrastinating at this very moment and get to my research- and hopefully achieve these goals by the end of the month- like they say, if you can do something for a month; it becomes a habit, vice verca :)

And i want to leave you with this verse-
"Whoever gives to others will get richer; those who help others will themselves be helped. A good person gives life to others; the wise person teaches others how to live. (Proverbs 11:25, 30 NCV)

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