Saturday 6 April 2013


So i havent blogged in a while, and this is actually cause i have SOOO much assignments and all that to do, that i actually just forget and cant be bothered in a while. But hey, look, i found time now, so this is pretty much what i've been up to for the past few weeks or so.

Well, tbh, i havent been the best for the past few weeks, stuff happens and i think we get the idea that it isnt good haha. Well, mainly cause i know that alot of people; especially my "supposedly close friends" are judging me over things that they dont have the full story of. In general, i have been treated quite shitly from some people and idk, i dont really care? But at the same time i do, like... it sucks that people instantly believe others without confronting me first. They think that others are going through a tough time; much worse than what i am going through, but trust me, if you atleast bother to try and see how im getting through things, you'll see that maybe things are just a little bit different.

I've been stuck on who is actually my best friend or even, a true friend for the past few weeks. Much of them seem to just bitch on me when they have the chance, (i must be such a fun topic huh? HAHAH) without realizing the wrongs that they also commit to as well. Tbh, i dont mind people talking about me, as long as they confront me about it to me afterwards, i mean, are you too scared, as my friend, to tell me what you dont like about me? How can we even call each other friends if you are petrified of seeing me. I mean, you guys say i cant accept your flaws and i should learn to deal with it, but bro, if you cant accept mine; my temper, my dull face when im tired, then bro, why should i accept yours? Actions show alot more than words, you're getting attitude from me? Tbh, you should think of what you did first, i dont normally give people attitude first unless they did shit to me first. So actually think from my perspective you douche heads.

Stop judging me if your own morals are to not judge. Know the full story before you come to conclusions. And frankly, if this is your way of trying to fix things; such as being cunts to me, ignoring me, giving me attitude, not telling me anything at all, bitching about me, then uhmm, dont expect much from me.

Sorry, i just realized i had a huge rant, but holy. It really gets to me, since im such a "bad influence" and i seem to just kill everyone huh?
"Christians" they call themselves huh?

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