Sunday 7 April 2013


Well, this is actually something i was planning to write about since Good friday, which... is only last week, but hey! I was busy aite? ;) Anyways, i finally got round to having time to share what i got up to on Good Friday.

Well. pretty much, I went to church, and instead of your normal youth where we get a little sharing about life lessons etc, we had some proper alone time to reflect on what we have done, how we are, whats been happening. AND, well, it was actually quite nice; when you're given a pen and paper, for 2 hours, you cant help but do what you are actually told to do, and i ended up scribbling quite alot of thoughts on that piece of paper. And here I am, to share with you guys what i wrote haha; something thankful :)

Well; While reflecting, i've realized that i've been distancing myself from God, its been ups and downs, and i somehow always seem to have an excuse to force myself not to go youth; perhaps it was this hate i probably had towards the church; all that judging that they put me through, yet they are the ones that preach about not judging... and it was. But this was not just their fault, it was mine. I should have forgiven them, like God has forgiven me for all the wrong that i have done. This was when i started to finally realize again that youth is not just about the people, its about God. So instead on focusing on all these problems and things that run through my head, i should just go to church; not so i can socialize, but be in a place where there would be little distraction, and where i can fully just let myself out to God.

And throughout that night, the message that i received from God was just a simple one; to forgive everyone that you are resenting, hating... whatever the cause may be. And to be honest, it was easier said than done, but hey; I fully just let him take over me that night, and i did my best; talked to those i have once held a grudge at, talk to those who i have not spoken to for long periods of times, and just have a good time; the satisfaction of truly loving everyone once again.

So i thought i'd just write a little something for those (just some, wait for post two guys :) who have encouraged me through the tough roads that i have been through, when no one else had seemed to be there for. You guys were/are my inspiration, you guys have changed me for the better, and each have taught me something that others couldnt. So thank you.

Thank you Aimee: This little girl (lol), probably doesnt know it, but has helped me stop doing much of the things i had done before. Those moments i once had with her were the reasons why i kept smiling and laughing randomly at stupid times by myself, and they still are sometimes. They're stupid, and i really miss our immaturity; when we could just start to laugh by having a laughing contest; like, who could laugh the loudest kinda thing. You've listened to my crap i have had to say to you for a long time, and i thank you for it, even though it was during our stupid math lessons where we didnt learn anything; it was one of the best times i could ask from you; those stupid questions we had, they brought joy to me. Thank you little one; my childhood friend, my sister.

have no idea how to rotate, but yo. 2010 for you LOL.

Thank you Gary: This goi, tank as now. He was the one pushing me to meet God, and giving me opportunities that some people never gave me. He showed me the ropes in becoming a Christian; giving me rides and all that so that i can attend church in the first place. I thank him cause hes the one that taught me to open up to others as well as letting me realize the talents that God has given me. He had inspired me by wanting to be a youth leader when i first met him haha, the thought of being able to help others meet God was just an inspiring idea. Thank you for being the one to listen and give me honest opinions; those constant reminders and little mockings you give me, looking after me in HK and all that ! You were like the first older brother;family that i had in Church that genuinely cared. Thank you my leader, my teacher, my brother.

Leaving photo with the gary chan.
Thank you Rachel: Energetic. Yes, i think that is the word. You were the girl i started to talk to in year 10, and in year 11 when we started to actually get to know each other properly and began our best-friendship(wonnngs.) Thank you for encouraging me through the tough times i had come across with people. Thanks to her, i became a better person through the constant nagging and honesty that she had given me about my character. Your smile honestly lights up quite alot of peoples faces as well, so be sure to keep that smile there, and please, keep encouraging me :D i need it ;) Its the best thing i could pretty much ask from someone (that or food) You;ve been keeping me happy and attended all those partys together ;) that pretty much made us not get invited to anything in the future cause we keep gapping. HAHAHA. Thank you for genuinely caring for me as well, you're probably one of the few that could actually read me like a book; knowing if something is wrong before i could even tell myself it was wrong. Thank you for all the times we have spent together; like back in the day when we went out countless times with John,Helen and Andy and even now, when you are helping me out with problems; whether it be about friendships, relationships or even chemistry (har har, very funny) it has taken me a long way from how i was before. You have made me a better person that what i was, alot better, and thanks for making me understand others a whole lot better too :) Thank you my best friend, my other Wong, my sister.

and lucky last post for tonight 

Thank you Chelsea: Amazing. Probably one of the most influential people that i have personally came across that has made me want to actually meet God properly; as i have seen the work that has been done through Chelsea so thoroughly; from a girl i originally did not have a great impression on; to one of the most wonderful people that i know of; being able to give the best feedback regardless what situation it is; even if she hasnt been through it. Her undying hope for God and her genuine care she has towards everyone; noticing the best of someone, even with all their flaws. Thank you for showing me these things; as i am slowly picking them up for myself too :) Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do worship with you, pushing me so that i can experience God so much; honestly, it has got to be one of the best experiences of my life, and i would give anything to try it again. Thank you Chelsea, you are probably one of the big reasons that i keep a big grin on my face everytime i listen to one of those songs you send me :P Thank you for being one of the first few younger people i talked to and attempted to help; with you encouraging me to help others as well. You also showed me the talents that i have been given from God, thank you for showing me it, and i'll do my best to do it in a way i serve Him well. :) I remember when we started hanging out properly; the awkward first few meetings with Steph ;) but eventually turned well :) Thank you for inviting me to your birthday, even though we just started talking and starting to know each other better :) I wish you the best for the future. Thank you my psychologist, my overseas best friend, my sister. 
what cutiees. you looking fabulous as always :P

Anyways, i think i'll be doing more of these Thank you posts. They seem to make my day, and i hope they make others too :) and finding all these photos are really nostalgic arent they haha. :P 

Anyways, nighty nights guys :)

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